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Help! Part 3 Final Preparations!

HELP! The third and final portion of the 2021 walk across Iowa to follow the 1835 Dragoons gets started later in the week. I need YOU to help with recommendations of historical sites, important nature areas, and (perhaps, most importantly) places to eat along the way!

Please comment with any suggestions you'd like to pass along for West Bend, Iowa, Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption, Wallingford, Iowa, Kossuth County, Rodman, Iowa, Emmetsburg, Iowa, Palo Alto County (Iowa), Osgood, Iowa, Graettinger, Estherville, Superior, Iowa, Emmet County, Iowa, Dickinson County, City of Spirit Lake, Iowa, Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Milford, Iowa, Okoboji, Lake Okoboji - Iowa Great Lakes, Okoboji, Iowa are greatly appreciated!


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