Hello! I am posting a brief update about Part 1 from a little over halfway through the initial segment of my walk across Iowa. I started at the site of First Fort Des Moines (Montrose) last Saturday, and passed through Argyle and Croton before arriving at Farmington. From there I headed up the southside of the river toward Bonaparte and Bentonsport, eventually I made it to Lacey-Keosauqua State Park. Yesterday, I went from Keosauqua to Eldon site of the American Gothic House. Today I went from Eldon, through Agency, and on to Ottumwa. Aside from constant rain, the journey is progressing well. I have met many friendly people, viewed some interesting historical landmarks, and expanded my understanding of Iowa's environmental past. With a few days to go, I expect to complete the first segment on schedule later in the week.

I have taken hundreds of pictures and many videos, some of which I have shared on the social media sites associated with the site (links in the icons at the top of the page). I tend to update Facebook www.facebook.com/notesoniowa and Instagram www.instagram.com/notesoniowa the most frequently throughout the day. I like to post 'stories' as I walk, and I have posted many other photos, videos, and drone footage from along the route.
When I finish Part 1 on Saturday, I will start to work on posts for the website including articles and videos about each day. I should have just enough time before I head back out on June 2 for the longest portion of the journey.

I will plan to provide daily updates via social media during that portion as well, while working on longer articles and videos about each day once I have completed the segment. Once I have Part 2 behind me, I only have a (relatively) short final stretch that I am now hoping to complete the last week of June. I am scheduled to give a public presentation on some of my other research at the Lakeside Laboratory in Spirit Lake on June 29, and I plan to complete my walk across Iowa earlier that day.
